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Elemental Sound Healing
Practitioner and Facilitator Training
An Initiation into the Power & Magic of Sound and Nature
June 2025 - January 2026 in Jotunheimen, Norway
Birthing a new nature based paradigm for training sound medicine
The Call
Calling all beings who yearn for diving deep into the mysteries of sound, music, voice and nature as a path for creative expression, professional service and personal freedom
Are you longing to free and activate your authentic soul voice, rhythm and musical intuition?
To tap into your essence frequency, your authentic truth, primal power and wild heart?
To re-wild your life(force) through nature with tribe who truly see you?
Are you yearning for a deeper attunement with the elemental and seasonal wisdom of wild nature?
Are you curious to learn how to facilitate groups in ways that harness the healing power of sound, voice & music?
Are you excited to learn how to empower musical innocence, sonic co-creation and vocal freedom in your groups, circles and community?
Are you ready to fully embody your power as a sacred multidimensional sound channel and sound healing facilitator?
Check out the visuals of our journeys into sound and nature below and feel into your resonance!
Our Invitation
We invite you for an 8 month journey of initiation into the deep mysteries of the healing powers of Sound, Voice & Nature - with loving support of the plant medicine of Cacao. An alchemical journey of embodying your voice, your creative & primal expression, your power, your channel of light and your magical heart. And a deep dive into your unique sound healing alchemy that you want to bring to life. Our programme consists of 4 week long modules, stretched over Spring, Summer, Fall to Winter and is anchored in the wilderness of the mountains of Norway, in the national park of Jotunheimen. This offers a unique foundational attunement to the shifting seasonal elemental qualities in wild nature - and will provide a deep alchemical container for elemental healing and deep personal transformation. It is a journey for anyone longing to embody the mysteries of sound healing as a personal practice to upgrade your life. And a journey for anyone who is longing to share and integrate sound as medicine, either as a sacred space holder, journey facilitator, artist, musician, yoga teacher, body worker etc.
Here is an introduction to the unique alchemy of Sound Healing and Cacao and the way it is anchored in wild nature - recorded at Soleggen Fjellstue in Jotunheimen, the home of the Elemental Sound Healing training
During the 8 months, we offer you an embodied personal journey to experience the healing power of sound, music and nature - and with this embodied foundation we train the following facilitator skills during our deep dive:
how to lead embodied sound healing practices, spaces and journeys using voice, instruments and song
how to create heart coherent group fields using sound, song and rhythm
how to be heart & body lead when facilitating groups
how to attune to what is alive energetically and emotionally in a group and how to meet it
how to facilitate groups to access their musical intuition and vocal freedom
how to create and lead ritual and ceremony in nature and harness the power of its elemental forces for personal and group transformation
how to open up multidimensional and amplified healing spaces in groups using sound and music
how to source healing energy and guidance from the quantum field through your vertical channel and express it sonically through your horizontal, relational channel
and much more!
Join our Elemental Sound Healing Training in Soleggen Fjellstue
National Park of Jotunheimen
June 9th -15th, August 4th -10th, October 6th -12th 2025
12th-18th of January 2026
It is a transformational & tribal journey of circling into deep heart presence, personal growth, soul remembrance, connection, love, truth, power, innocence & playfulness. Come play!
The Training 2024-2025 is full and you can sign up for our wait list for next years training below
Facilitator Training Intro
Programme Structure
Curriculum & Learning Methods
Our Elemental Sound Healing Training is a unique 8 month alchemy of retreat and training that will enable you to facilitate healing and transformational spaces using the power of sound, your voice and nature - for yourself and others. In the following transmission, Thomas shares the unique purpose and alchemy of Elemental Sound Healing and why the programme is structured around the 4 seasons:
We have 4 modules
Spring (June 9-15 2025)
Setting intentions and planting seeds
(You can join this Module as a stand alone experience)
Summer (August 4-10 2025)
Blossoming and stretching into our potential & power
Fall (October 6-12 2025)
Meeting our shadows and composting what no longer serves
Winter (January 12-18 2026)
Finding stillness and allowing integration
Each module offers a progressive, deep experiential and elemental dive into the healing and transformational potential of sound, voice and nature - with loving support of the heart opening medicine of cacao as well as plants indigenous to Norway. You will experience different sound practices, sound rituals and sound ceremonies designed to free your voice & musical expression and move energies in yourself to activate, expand and fully align with your own essence and potential. Both in nature; in glacial waterfalls, mountain tops, in caves and rivers. And in our very special indoor Sound Dome that offers world class acoustics.. Embodying these different sound practices will allow you to discover and learn how sound supports healing and gives access to your intuition and creativity.
During the modules we will guide a hands-on learning-by-doing journey where you will be safely guided into discovering and sharing your own power as a sacred sound channel and facilitator of sound healing journeys.
Our modules consist of 3 levels of experience; Elemental Healing, Elemental Sound and Sound Healing.
Sound Healing is an art of attunement - to be in tune with our selves, others, life and our environment. Over the last 9 years of Sound Healing trainings and retreats we have discovered that the foundation of good sound healing does not only depend on having a solid personal sound practice of attunement, embodied experience with sound healing methods, instruments and techniques, as well as high quality group facilitation skills. There is a deeper level of attunement needed to support our personal and professional capacity to offer sound as medicine. And that is an elemental attunument with and by nature - to its core frequencies of fire, water, air, earth and space. As well as an attunement to the energetics of the shifting seasons in nature. By connecting to the elemental qualities in nature as well as the shifting energetics of the cycles Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter - we find a deep way of living in balance with our own inner nature and can through this nature based attunement become more clear, well balanced, powerful and rich mediums for the medicine of sound.
Elemental Healing is a journey of re-wilding our selves to our essence through the powerful elemental energetics in nature. We do this using rituals and ceremonies in specific hot spots in the area of Jotunheimen - most in hiking distance from our training venue. In glacial waterfalls, mountains tops, caves, rivers, lakes and forrests.
Through prayer and intention we open ourselves to receive the wisdom of the elements. The healing qualities of the elements reveal themselves through this devotional surrender. In a waterfall we may explore the state of our internal waters; are they flowing and allowing emotions to move and freely express through us? Is our internal elemental earth grounding us in balance, or are we stuck and stagnant? Is our air balanced in a way to support a flexible mind or are we stuck in limiting beliefs and mental loops? Is our fire allowing our passion and creativity to freely express and support our lives? Or are we contracted and disconnected from our power to create? We ask and allow the elemental forces in the waterfall, cave, mountain top or river, to tune our inner elemental world into deeper balance. In this way, nature and its elemental energetics become our sound healers. These forces also invite us to be guided and met by the beyond human world of the elementals (the dragons, the giants, the sylphs, the faires etc.)
The geometrical perfection and beauty of nature will be a source of inspiration for our creativity to flow. And the elements will play an important role in activating our authentic aliveness and initiate deep soul remembrance. Drumming around the fire, cleansing in the glacial waterfalls, climbing to the top of the mountains and standing in the wind will help us free our primal sounds. We will connect to nature spirits and elementals, listen to their wisdom and communicate with them through sounds. Silence time in nature will allow us to further integrate the journey of personal growth we are taking together.
When we are deeply present with the elements in the mountains, waterfalls, caves and rivers, we get to experience their elemental sounds and songs and rhythms through our own voices and bodies. It is a deep elemental attunement when the elements express themselves through us and we receive their frequencies, rhythms and songs. Often people find a more authentic expression of their voice when freely toning and opening their voice in presence of and in relationship to the wild elements. And it is a beautiful and wild journey to allow the beyond human to express its love and healing through us. It opens us to a world of rich presence - that potentially can transform our relationship to the natural world; a tree can now become a tuning fork of peace, a river become a song, and the mountain a horizon of silence. Singing in and with nature becomes a deep rite of passage into a different quality of stewardship between yourself and nature. For those who actively lead their groups in and around nature, this programme becomes an initiation into the role of gatekeeping, between the human world to the natural and beyond human world.
We live in a time where our emotional, physical and energetic wellbeing, balance and strength is challenged by stress on all levels; personal, communal, societal and global. Sound Healing offers a unique way to regulate our nervous system, connect to our essence, open our hearts, self-connect as well as connect with loved ones. Sound healing can first and foremost serve as a daily personal practice for self-attunement, to balance, regulate, ground and open to more energy, creativity, love and harmony. And professionally, sound healing can offer powerful medicine to our relationships, communities, groups and clients. From simple sound baths, to deep shamanic sound journeys, to creative play shops and ceremonies that weave connection, open hearts, move energies and activate voices. However, sound healing is not only about learning the right techniques and methods. In order to be clearer conduits of the power of sound, we need to fully embody a deeper ecology of balance within ourselves and in connection to our natural environment. The first two experiential levels of our programme, Elemental Healing and Elemental Sound, empowers us to explore and understand the subtle energetic fields that fuels the power of sound. Working with wild nature and its elemental energetics, sensitises us to subtle energy, clears stagnant and stuck personal energy. and opens our channel to the wider source field of energy and life force that powers the medicine of sound. Sound becomes a healing power when the practitioner or facilitator is able to connect the sound (either from voice or instruments) to the vast fields of energy (often referred as the quantum field, or the universal energy field) that creates and sustains life. When we become clear channels for this energy to flow through us into sound - sound becomes a force of good, healing, creative medicine. A big leap in our journey is to learn to open ourselves to become conduits for this energy, to connect it to sound and direct it with intention.
This programme offers a necessary foundational nature based ecology for sound healing practitioners and facilitators. By connecting to the elemental qualities in nature as well as the shifting energetics of the cycles Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter - we find a deep way of living in balance with our own inner nature and can become clearer conduits and channels for sound medicine.
What you can expect to experience and learn
As a sound healing facilitator, you can only take people as deep in their healing as you have gone with your own healing. Therefore the purpose for each module is to allow you to experience the healing and transformational power of sound & nature through deep vocal sound practice, sound healing journeys, singing, voice activations, rituals and sound temple ceremonies - in our dome and in nature. The Elemental Sound Healing Training will open a portal to deep altered states of consciousness, soul remembrance, profound healing, visions and dreams. Your journey will allow you to awaken to your own truth and intimate multidimensional relationship with the healing power of sound. This will empower you to facilitate sound healing spaces for others that are steeped in your own wisdom and experience.
The most important and powerful sound healing tool is our own voice. We will support you in opening and grounding your voice as a channel for healing energy. We were born to sing, express and create freely, yet most of us have the experience of losing that freedom and spontaneity as small children. We were often shut down in our creative expression and truth. Through vocal practices, intuitive sound circles and rituals in nature you will reconnect to your uninhibited inner child, free your voice, release limiting beliefs and open your creative channel. This deep sound practice will support you in freeing and embodying the power of your voice as a tool to shift your frequency, move stuck energy, connect to your heart and impact your reality, for your self and others. Some of the practices are a special form of Yoga of Sound and Voice that fuses sound & vocal practices from the East, Far East and from the Mystery School Traditions. From Mantra, Tibetan Seed Syllables to Chakra Toning from Ancient Egypt - as well as shamanic and nature based practices. A main recurring component are intuitive sounding circles where we co-create music and song through a special from of structured improvisation that gives access to our musical intuition, creativity and vocal expression We will also explore singing into our bodies and opening healing temples that are created by our voices.
How to connect to nature and harness
the power of the element(al)s
In every module we will go into nature and open ceremonial spaces through rituals. The purpose of these rituals is to allow the elemental forces to tune our inner elemental world (balance between fire, water, air, earth and ether). And to learn the ways nature and its elemental forces can become a partner for your own healing as well as for any groups you work with. We will spend time discovering how to become present with nature through deep listening and stillness. How to open and activate elemental fields in nature through intentional rituals and offerings. How to become receptive to the energies in nature - both physically, energetically and astrally in dream time. Specifically, we will do a waterfall cleansing ceremony, mountain top vision quest, Caving release ritual, Fire-ceremony, Sacred Snow Silence ceremony and Silent Skiing - and a self-lead traditional nature sit. In general, the seasonal energetics of our environment - and the elemental beings present - will guide us into different forms of connection and rituals and will inform us of what needs to move and what is alive in our group. This aliveness that we meet in connection with nature, becomes a multi-faceted material to study and learn from.
You will learn the basics of how sound - both through voice and instruments - can access healing for the body, mind and spirit - and the ways you can facilitate a healing space in your sound offerings. You will discover how sound regulates your nervous system, gives us access to altered states of consciousness and opens a multidimensional healing portal for transformation, empowerment and guidance even outside time and space. We will also explore ancient sound manifestations practices, where an alchemy of sound, intention and visualisation can shape-shift reality. You will be supported in designing your own sound healing journeys and ceremonies as well as how to work with sound 1 on 1.
Songs are an important fabric of our lives, from birth to death, songs can support us in living our lives. Many of us stopped singing in our childhood, or we never even started. We will explore the power of song, from devotional kirtan, indigenous chants, elemental songs, to the wisdom songs of our ancestors. We will gather often around the fire at night to share songs to support our own journey and to weave our community and experience together.
You will learn how to alchemise ceremonial cacao for your ceremonies and more importantly learn how to work with the spirit of cacao to support your healing space and journeys. And how to set up, lead and close a ceremonial cacao and sound journeying space.
We will explore how to hold space for other peoples healing, how to work with healing energies and how we can cultivate healing space in our ceremonies. You will learn how to work with translating a healing intention into a group sound journey or into a 1 on 1 sound healing session.
We will explore how we can use our voices, words and energy to facilitate groups into heart coherency, to open their voices and to dive deep into their healing journeys. An important part of this journey involves how to deeply listen and attune to your groups and follow the aliveness that is already emerging or wants to move. Through specific sound circle methods, you will train how to play off the energy of your groups through improvisation and surrender.
We will explore how you can bring your learning and empowerment from the modules back into the world, be it in your daily practice, in your community or as business to support your path. As part of your practicum, you will facilitate 1 sound healing offering between each module, either on your own or in collaboration with other participants.
Over the course of 4 modules we will offer a wide array of sound, voice and song practices as well as other experiential activities:
Vocal practices - especially Chakra Toning and Seed Syllable practices, both designed to clear, move and expand your energy.
Embodiment practices with focus on grounding, opening your breath, energy channel and body
Nature connection rituals (going to the mountains, rivers, lakes, water falls and caves in the area).
Thematic Sound Journeys
Musical co-creation circles
Jam-labs and playshops: We provide a large collection of sacred sound instruments and tools; you will be given the opportunity to intuitively explore, play and grow. Space will be held for you to discover: gongs, tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, voice, flutes, guitar, drums, crystal bowls, shruti, harmonium and more.
Personal mentoring in instrument proficiency, voice and facilitation skills.
Creative learning space to design and lead sound pratices, sound journeys and singing circles.
Feedback based on appreciative inquiry.
Participant created and lead sound healing offerings
Channeled initiations: you will personally receive channeled sounds and songs to activate your gifts, energy body, voice and multi-dimensional self.
Free your voice playshops
Embodied intuitive sound expression
Sacred Chant - we will explore the power of singing mantras and songs
Tantra of Sound – an ancient mystery school toning practice
of clearing, activating, expanding and aligning your energy
bodies and chakras using your voice. -
Sound meditations and activations from the mystical school traditions (Essenes and Egyptian High Alchemy)
Sound Temple Rituals - co-created ceremonial journeys where we use sound - in particular our voices - to open for healing and transformation.
Daily intention setting and heart sharing to support your journey with the support of cacao.
Circling to meet and surrender to what is alive in the moment as a tribe.
Learning Methods
Our approach to learning is heavily steeped in non-formal and experiential learning practices - learning in our programme is a whole person journey of becoming a fuller, richer and more authentic version of you and not just focusing on your skill learning.
We are breaking free of the old teacher-student paradigm and holding space for you to tap into your intuitive mastery deeply seeded in your soul. Instead of a traditional top-down curriculum based approach to your learning, we allow you to take a deep experiential and participatory journey of empowerment, healing and activation. We offer a safe space to play outside your comfort zones; full heart-centered presence allowing authenticity, vulnerability and healing; ceremonial intention setting and initiations; 5th dimensional connectivity to mastery; strong tribal co-creation and loving community support. You will have access to a huge instrument library and we will initiate you into the energetic healing portal of gongs, crystal bowls, tuning forks, flutes and shamanic instruments including drums and much more. This is a radical learning-by-doing driven process culminating in you co-creating and facilitating real-life events between and within modules. The learning environment is nourished by small group practices, personal mentoring and special feedback practice. Furthermore, your learning and growth will be supported by a Learning Pod and Learning Portfolio.
A Journey of Soul Descent & Initiation
What is your sacred purpose and how can you bring it into form in the greater earth community? Our journey together holds great potential for you to connect to your souls calling and vision and to shift into a deeper allignment with the path you are destined to walk in this life. And part of our journey is to discover; where we are stuck, limited and holding our selves back? What are the current thresholds that we need to meet and overcome in order for us to go to our next level of potential? These questions are at the core of our work - and a north star for our personal transformation, individually as well as a group. The power of going on a 8+ month journey is that you will not be alone in taking on these big soul question - and that you will have support in rising up to the challenge and receive love when you meet your resistance. The programme is designed for you to open to receive more direct inspiration for a vision of your path. We will play with creating personalised rites of passage to open ourselves to the mythopoetic aspect of our journey as a soul in body. What will it take for me to overcome my smallness and rise to the space where I can embody my greatness?
Our retreat is a safe space to truly feel all that is alive in you. A space to be seen and held with love and compassion and be supported to free yourself from the past and curiously sound your future alive. Our space is known for its capacity to cultivate vulnerability, authenticity, connection, personal responsibility, presence and safety allowing us to release what no longer serves and revealing our true essence. Allowing old wounds to be touched and witnessed as well as allowing all emotions - from tears of grief, to sounds of rage, fear, laughter and joy. We love to hold space for such an extremely courageous and often messy transformation through loving presence, sharing circles, personal space holding, authentic relating and connection time in and with nature.
When we dare to open our voice and raise our vibration and become really present with our emotional state, we gain access to all the feelings, habits, stories and aspects of ourselves that we don't see in our daily lives - also known as our blind spots and shadow. Our shadow is that part of us we cant see, judge, suppress, feel ashamed of and don't want others to see. It is also where we bind a lot of our life force - and the potential in working with our shadow is to reveal its gifts and alchemise it into gold. We consider shadow work a cornerstone of an integrated awakening journey and support this process through sacred sound temple spaces, personal space holding, personal processing tools and sharing circles.
Over the years we have cultivated a unique alchemy of cacao, sound and prayer. We love how cacao gives us access to our intuition, and hearts, and leads to a very expanded state of awareness. This is truly one of the planets most feminine heart teachers and communing with her for over 8 months months will offer a deep journey into your heart and initiation into the cosmic heart. We alchemise cacao with other plants , like Blue Lotus, Rose, Reishi - as well as plants from the local wilderness like Chaga and Nettle.
Sample Schedules - be aware that we create our daily programme based on deep attunement with the authentic aliveness in the group, its needs and guidance from the surrounding nature and its elementals.
Example of a day with focus on diving into opening our voices and musicality in our dome
07.00-08.00 Movement Practice
08.00-09.00 Sound practice
09.00-10.00 Breakfast .
10.00-13.00 Sound & Cacao Circle - diving deep into freeing our voices and musical intuition.
13.00-15.00 Lunch and free time – opportunity for nature walks, lake swim, rest, practice time in the dome etc.
15.00-16.00 Deep Listening (silence and integration)
16.30-18.00 Sound journey like Gong Bath, Crystal Bowls, Multidimensional voice transmission etc.
18.00-19.30 Dinner
19.30-21.00 Sound Temple or Sacred Singing Circle
Example of a day when we go to nature to create rituals and ceremony
07.00-08.00 Movement Practice
08.00-09.00 Sound practice
09.00-10.00 Breakfast .
10.00-18.00 Vision quest to the top of Soleggi, our neighbouring mountain (with packed lunch)
18.00-19.30 Dinner
19.30-21.00 Integration Circle and Fire
Example of a practice day of diving deep into learning instruments and sharing offerings (comes later in the programme when the group is ready to start offering its own medicine, usually starting in module 2)
07.00-08.00 Movement Practice
08.00-09.00 Sound Practice
09.00-10.00 Breakfast
10.00-13.00 Play-shops (examples ”The Gong!” ”Native-American Flutes”, ”Leading Chants on harmonium”, ”Sound Healing with tuning forks”)
13.00-15.00 Lunch and free time.
15.00-16.30 Mentoring, designing/preparing offerings and instrument practice.
16.30-18.00 Sound and Cacao offering lead by participants
17.30-18.00 Feedback using Appreciative Inquiry
18.00-19.30 Dinner
19.30-21.00 Sound and Cacao offering lead by participants
21.00-21.30 Feedback using Appreciative Inquiry
We offer 2 different ways to participate in our Elemental Sound Healing Facilitator and Practitioner training. If you want to initiate your journey into becoming a Sound Healing Facilitator or continue growing your existing path as a sound healer, you can participate in our Facilitator Track. The Facilitator Track can be upgraded with a mentorship coaching package to support you if you already are a seasoned facilitator in the field of sound or music. If you are only interested in your personal development through the modality of Elemental Sound Healing - and receive the deep healing, transformation and attunement of Sound & Nature - you can journey with us through our Practitioner track.
Elemental Sound Healing Facilitator Track
June 9 - 15, August 4 -10, October 6 -12 2025 and January 12-18 2026
Soleggen Fjellstue, Jotunheimen, Norway
4 residency modules at Soleggen Fjellstue, Jotunheimen. Includes shared accommodation and all meals (vegan). Private accommodation available at extra cost.
Access to all practices, ceremonies, workshops, journeys and events offered at each module.
Practicum: As part of your practicum, you will create and lead 3 Elemental Sound Healing offerings - 1 between each module. Practicum is evaluated through your Learning Portfolio - and you will have support and feedback both from your Learning Pod (consisting of co-participants) and from facilitators. You will also co-create and co-lead 1 Elemental Sound Healing offering during module 2, 3 or 4.
3 online group mentorship calls (1 between each module to support learning, integration and offerings)
Learning Pod support - you will participate in a peer-driven learning group to support your growth and integration.
Access to instrument library, practice space and personal mentoring during the modules.
Early Bird Price
5990 Euros (until March 1st)
Full Price
6600 Euros
Payment plans available
Past participants from Sounds of Light Facilitator Trainings receive 10 % discount.
Elemental Sound Healing Practitioner Track
June 9 - 15, August 4 -10, October 6 -12 2025
and January 12-18 2026
Soleggen Fjellstue, Jotunheimen, Norway
4 residency modules at Soleggen Retreat Center, Jotunheimen. Includes shared accommodation and all meals (vegan). Private accommodation available at extra cost.
Access to all experiential practices, ceremonies, journeys and events offered at each module
Be aware, there is no practicum nor online mentoring in the Practitioner Track. As well as there will be specific workshops and opportunities to lead practies reserved exclusively for the Facilitator Track. Basically, you get to participate in everything as a participant (also activities lead by participants in the facilitator track) except activities where you are leaning into and learning the art of facilitation.
Learning Pod support - you will participate in a peer-driven learning group to support your growth and integration.
Access to instrument library and practice space.
Full Price
5800 EURO
Payment plans available
Venue for Elemental Sound Healing Training

Our training is hosted at Soleggen Fjellstue (google maps link), in the National Park of Jotunheimen, Norway. It is a renovated traditional mountain lodge, run by a Rudolf Steiner Foundation. With the purpose of being a physical, cultural and educational bridge to nature. . The physical buidlings are literally surrounded by the wild valleys and mountains, glacial waterfalls, rivers and lakes. It gives us amazing access to the wilderness, and the energy surrounding the venue is stunning.
Soleggen is a power spot in the northern part of the National Park of Jotunheimen in Norway. Our indoor journeying space is a warm and spacious dome just adjacent to the Solegggen Fjellstue. The dome was intentionally built as a space for meditation, movement, sound and healing. The whole area is a magnificent nature dome at the European crown chakra, a place of extremely high vibration that will hold deep space for our journey.
The location of Soleggen Fjellstue is in Jotunheimen National Park close to the town of Otta (see the map here You can either drive to the retreat center. Or fly to Oslo Airport (Gardemoen) and take a train and a bus to a rendez-vous location close to the Soleggen Fjellstue (we pick you up and drive you the last 20 min into the mountains). The train and bus ride is about 4 hours from the airport. Leading up to each module we support organising ride-sharing. Let us know if you have any questions

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