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Healing & Empowerment Journeys

Powered by the Medicine of Sound, Cacao & Nature

Our new 8 month Elemental Sound Healing Practitioner and Facilitator Training started June 2024 in the Norwegian Mountains of Jotunheimen. Next years training starts in June 2025 and  consists of 4 seasonal modules:  Spring (9th-15th of June), Summer (4th-10th of August), Fall (6th-12th of October) and Winter (12th-18th of January 2026). This years training was full - our waiting list for next years training is now open. We will officially launch in September.

Longing to Activate and Free your Voice in Wild Nature?
Join our Elemental Sound Healing Retreat in the Norwegian Mountains of Jotunheimen
June 17-24th 2024 (Summer Solstice Special)

Sounds of Egypt
Resurrecting The Sound Temple
A Pilgrimage and Multidimensional Activation Journey through the
Sound Temples of Ancient Egypt
November 24th - December 5th 2024
Registration closes on Summer Solstice (21st of June 2024)

Mystery School of Sound Healing

Sound Healing Alchemy

 We are a Mystery School of Sound Healing exploring the healing and transformational power of sound, cacao and nature. We offer hands on initiations into the path of sound healing. Our medicine is an alchemy of sound, voice, nature, song, cacao, circle, ceremony, ritual, quantum physics and heart-centered community. Working with sound and cacao for years has left us deeply intrigued and fascinated with how the power of sound - alchemised with cacao – gives access to profound healing and transformation. People swiftly drop into their hearts, tap into their truth, experience their essence, call in their purpose and unleash their magic. Working with sound can offer a fast pathway to releasing our creative blocks and enables us to find our unique creative path off the beaten track of consensus reality. It seems that Sound opens a portal for us to step more into ourselves – allowing us to come back online with who we came to be and live out our life's calling and purpose.


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© 2018 Sounds of Light. Created with love & light by Mini Perspectief

Majority of images & video by Hana Wolf Photography

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