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Our Vision

We are a mystery school of sound healing in exploring the healing and transformational power of sound and cacao. We fuse the sound healing traditions of the ancient temples and mystical schools of Egypt, Atlantis and the far East with cutting edge modern sonic and light technology to offer journeys of healing, empowerment and service. We are a portal for ascension and offer hands on initiations into the path of sound healing. We are here to allow and assist ourselves and others to deepen into our unique paths and purposes, and to facilitate the empowerment and embodiment of everyone's unique gifts and magic. Our medicine is the alchemy of sound, song, cacao, quantum physics, neuroscience and a heart-centered community of practitioners and facilitators. Participating in our residential program holds the potential to radically shift your life around and discover what makes you come alive and be supported to go share that with the world.


And you might ask, what is a Mystery School?  

Sound as Empowerment Portal

Working with sound for 8 years has left us deeply intrigued and fascinated with how the power of sound - alchemised with cacao – gives access to profound healing and transformation. How people swiftly drop into their hearts, tap into their truth, experience their essence, call in their purpose and unleash their magic. How working with sound can offer a fast pathway to releasing our creative blocks and finding our unique creative path off the beaten track of consensus reality. It seems that Sound opens a portal for us to step more into ourselves – and come back online with being who we came to be and live out our life's calling and purpose.


Every year we open up our portal for an extended time period in Guatemala and in Sweden. The portal opens space where we can cultivate a field of transformation where people can drop their victim stories, step up to their superhuman potential and  greatness and start asking the big questions in life, "Why am I here?", "What is my purpose?", "What is my highest excitement?", "What would I take on if I couldn't fail?", "Why was I dreamt alive and what am I being asked to dream into reality?" 

Remembering and Resurrecting the Temple

This medicine has also taken us on deeply personal and magical journeys of remembrance of our ancestral lineages of sound. Remembering lives where we lived in ancient temple cultures. Here we would sing the world alive, channel cosmic energies to heal the planet using sound to create unfathomable structures like Pyramids and Sonic Temple Complexes and tone codes of light into this plane to restore balance and open multidimensional portals and travel through time using sacred harmonics. Really? These lives were deeply steeped in ritual, community, service and magic. We long for ritual, to come together to create a healing field that can bring balance back to this planet and our world again. It is time to re-embody our lives as a sacred bridge between the cosmos and the earth and resurrect the temple as a sacred space for that bridge. To once again flood our world with love and light for the highest good of all sentient beings. And to assist people with learning how to participate in that higher purpose by supporting them to open their channels to bring forth the energies of the new earth. We as a Mystery School open a way to remember and embody the Mysteries of the temple cultures and the ancient mystery schools of Egypt and Atlantis where sound, light and prayer are alchemized into potent medicine for the highest good of all. 

Purpose Plotting, Path Finding and Power Play

Our long term vision is to transform our annual portal into a permanent temple space and Residential community. Until then, our Portal provides deep journeys that can serve as a stepping stone to finding your path and purpose in life. You may be in the process of asking your self, "what is the meaning of my life?" and "what is my true purpose and calling?". You may have already left the old world, quit your job and in total free fall into the unknown mystery of this sacred life. You may be in the midst of your dark night of the soul or deep personal crisis – which is the usual call for this heroes journey! You may be lost in all of this and not know where to go next. Our door is open and our space will always provide a safe container for people to find their joy for life, their magic, their true purpose and to be supported to start walking their soul path. That path may be in service as a sacred sounds facilitator or as a member of service in the Sounds of Light Mystery School. Or it may be totally unrelated to sound and cacao. In any case you are invited to join a Sound and Cacao tribe and family for life that will always hold and see you in your highest light and keep cheering you on to be more and more and more of you.

Welcome to our portal and our practice of sound and cacao!
this is our logo

If you are interested in the life of the ancient mystery schools you can read more about our lineages and inspirations here.​



Book references

Oneness - Rasha

Mary Magdalen Manuscript.- Tom Kenyon & Judi Son

Anna, The Grandmother of Jesus - Claire Heartsongs

Law Of Light: The Secret Teachings of Jesus - Lars Muhl

The O manuscript - Lars Muhl

Healing Sounds - Jonathan Goldman 

Tom Kenyons collected works and the documentary 'Songs of the New Earth' is a great primer for our work and vision. 

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