Our sweet new home in Guatemala and the Sound Temple for our Residential Mystery School of Sound Healing that opens in March!

Thomas Love Power shares a little story about how we create our reality and how the Home for Sounds of Light was manifested:
"4.5 years ago I found myself visiting a construction site in Tzununá Lake Atitlán Guatemala. It was the birthing site for the Mahadevi Ashram a school for yoga and it was to become the core devotional singing cauldron for the tribe of Lago de Atitlán.
Arpita was showing me around and pointed at some land for potential casitas for long term residents. She started a line of thoughts and feelings deep in me that took me by surprise: “what would it be like to live here on this land?”. Of course the thought was so far fetched but my imagination and feelings took me to the quantum field where my life at the ashram was seeded as a potential.
Now 4.5 years later I have to pinch my self and laugh out loud knowing that I just signed on to live on this gorgeous sacred site to initiate and run a Residential Mystery School of Sound Healing - Sounds of Light from March 1st 2019. This was also the birthing place of my first retreat in the sound healing field, Yoga of Sound and Chocolate with Pavan Ji and its a totally thrilling full circle experience to be birthing a new level of me and my play in this same space. What a fractal trip! Even more unfathomable is that during the same visit on the construction site 4.5 years ago I asked Arpita and Arjuna if I could build a sound temple at the ashram – that question shocked me even more at the time as I didn't understand where it came from. Now I know. It was a question coming straight from my future self knowing that I would be back to that future timeline and shape shift the Mahadevi Ashram into a a Sound Temple and Mystery School. My future self was reaching back in time planting a seed and a reminder in my consciousness: to nudge me into my highest potential future timeline. Gotta love this quantum reality stuff. Its better than the movies and I am glad I got the memo!!!
Thank you so so so much Arpita and Arjuna for guiding and supporting me into tune with this new upgraded reality of power and service. You are such an amazing inspiration for embodying a life of service!
And for all lovers of sound, song and cacao: You now have a new home for this medicine which we love alchemising with our hearts and quantum physics to create astounding magic and empowerment to serve the highest good of all.
Come play and take Residency!"