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Sound Temple Training 
An Initiation into the Power & Magic of Sound Healing 

"Divine sound is the cause of all manifestation. The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.” 
- Hazrat Inayat Khan, 20th century Sufi Mystic
Sound Ceremony, Kings Chamber inside Great Pyramid in Egypt
We are being called to remember our ancestral wisdom of sound magic - and once again open up temple spaces to explore and embody the power of sound for the benefit of all sentient beings:

Are you ready to fully activate your potential and embody your power as a sacred sound channel and sound healing facilitator?

Are you curious how sound and singing supports deep physical relaxation, heart opening and joy? 

How freeing your voice holds the potential to unlock and unleash your power and creative magic?

How sound opens a multidimensional space for soul remembrance and soul healing? 

How sound can become a temple for peace, meditation, ritual, ceremony, connection and tribe? 

And how sound can become an integrated part of your path, personally as well as professionally? 

We invite you into our sacred Sound Temple for a 3 week journey of initiation into the deep mysteries of the healing powers of Sound and Voice. An alchemical journey of embodying your voice, your creative expression, your power, your channel of light and your magical heart. And a deep dive into your unique sound healing alchemy that you want to bring to life. It is a journey for anyone longing to embody the mysteries of sound healing as a personal practice to upgrade your life. And a journey for anyone who is longing to share and integrate sound as medicine, either as a sacred space holder, journey facilitator, artist, musician, yoga teacher, body worker etc. 

It is a transformational & tribal journey of circling into deep heart presence, personal growth, soul remembrance, connection, love, truth, power, dark and light shadows, innocence & playfulness. 

Come play!

Join our Sound Temple Training in Guatemala, March 11th - April 1st 2023.
Facilitator Training Intro

Our Sound Temple Training is a unique 3 week alchemy of retreat and training that will enable you to facilitate healing and transformational spaces using the power of sound and your voice - for yourself and others. This Facilitator Initiation is a two-step experiential, learning-by-doing journey of empowerment. Module 1 is a deep experiential dive into the healing and transformational potential of sound and voice - with loving support of the heart opening medicine of cacao. You will experience different sound practices, sound ritual and sound ceremonies designed to free your voice and move energies in yourself to activate, expand and fully align with your own essence and potential. Embodying these practices will allow you to discover and learn how sound supports healing and gives access to your intuition and creativity. Then you will enter Module 2, an accelerated learning journey where you will be safely guided into discovering and sharing your own power as a sacred sound channel and facilitator of sound healing journeys. 


Sound Temple Training - Module Structure

Module 1:  A Sound Healing and Transformational Retreat: experiencing the power of voice & sound. March 10th-20th 2022

Learn more about module 1 here

Module 2: Facilitator Initiation: Learning how to facilitate healing using sound and voice, for both groups and individuals. March 21st-31st 2022

Learn more about module 2 here

Module 1

As a sound healing facilitator, you can only take people as deep in their healing as you have gone with your own healing. Therefor the purpose of Module 1 is to allow you to experience the healing and transformational power of sound through deep vocal sound practice, sound healing journeys, singing, voice activations, rituals and sound temple ceremonies. Our Sound Temple immersion will open a portal to deep altered states of consciousness, soul remembrance, profound healing, visions and dreams. Your journey will be to awaken to your own truth and intimate multidimensional relationship with the healing power of sound. This will empower you to facilitate sound healing spaces for others that are steeped in your own wisdom and experience. You can learn more about our Sound Medicine here. Module 1 consists of the following elements: 


The most important and powerful sound healing tool is our own voice. We will support you in opening and grounding your voice as a channel for healing energy. We were born to sing, express and create freely, yet most of us have the experience of losing that freedom and spontaneity as small children. We were often shut down in our creative expression and truth. Through daily vocal practices and activations you will reconnect to your wild uninhibited inner child, free your voice, release limiting beliefs and open your creative channel. This deep sound practice will support you in freeing and embodying the power of your voice as a tool to shift your frequency, move stuck energy, connect to your heart and impact your reality, for your self and others. The practices are a special form of Yoga of Sound and Voice that fuses sound & vocal practices from the East, Far East and from the Mystery School Traditions of the West. From Mantra, Tibetan Seed Syllables to Chakra Toning from Ancient Egypt - as well as shamanic and nature based practices. 


Our retreat is a safe space to truly feel all that is alive in you. A space to be seen and held with love and compassion and be supported to free yourself from the past and curiously sound your future alive. Our space is known for its capacity to cultivate vulnerability, authenticity, connection, personal responsibility, presence and safety allowing us to release what no longer serves and revealing our true essence. Allowing old wounds to be touched and witnessed as well as allowing all emotions - from tears of grief, to sounds of rage, fear, laughter and joy. We love to hold space for such an extremely courageous and often messy transformation through loving presence, sharing circles, personal space holding, authentic relating and connection time in and with nature.


When we raise our vibration and become really present with our emotional state, we gain access to all the feelings, habits, stories and aspects of ourselves that we don't see in our daily lives - also known as our blind spots and shadow. Our shadow is that part of us we cant see, judge, suppress, feel ashamed of and don't want others to see. We consider shadow work a cornerstone of an integrated awakening journey and support this process through sacred sound temple spaces, personal space holding, dream work, personal processing tools and sharing circles.


Module 1 consists of a wide array of sound, voice and song practices:

  • Daily vocal practice

  • Daily embodiment practice with focus on grounding, opening your breath, energy channel and body

  • Thematic Sound Journeys

  • Free your voice playshops

  • Embodied intuitive sound expression

  • Sacred Chant - we will explore the power of singing mantras and songs

  • Tantra of Sound – an ancient mystery school toning practice 
    of clearing, activating, expanding and aligning your energy 
    bodies and chakras using your voice. 

  • Sound meditations and activations from the mystical school traditions (Essenes and Egyptian High Alchemy) 

  • Heart Coherency Healing Practices

  • Sound Temple Rituals

  • Daily intention setting and heart sharing to support your journey with the support of cacao. 

  • Circling to meet and surrender to what is alive in the moment as a tribe. 

Over the years we have cultivated a unique alchemy of cacao, sound and prayer. We love how cacao gives us access to our intuition, and hearts, and leads to a very expanded state of awareness. This is truly one of the planets most feminine heart teachers and communing with her for 3 weeks will offer a deep journey into your heart and initiation into the cosmic heart.

"The future of medicine will be music and sound” 
- Edgar Cayce, 20th century mystic
Module 2

The Facilitator Initiation is designed to empower you to create and facilitate a Sound healing practice/offering based on your experiences from module 1 (with the support of Cacao). Module 2 is composed of the following elements:


 We are breaking free of the old teacher-student paradigm and holding space for you to tap into your intuitive mastery deeply seeded in your soul. Instead of a traditional curriculum based approach to your learning, we allow you to take a deep experiential and participatory journey of empowerment, healing and activation. We offer a safe space to play outside your comfort zones; full heart-centered presence allowing authenticity, vulnerability and healing; ceremonial intention setting and initiations; 5th dimensional connectivity to mastery; strong tribal co-creation and loving community support. You will have access to a huge instrument library and we will initiate you into the energetic healing portal of gongs, crystal bowls, tuning forks, flutes and shamanic instruments including drums and much more. This is a radical learning-by-doing process culminating in you co-creating and facilitating a full day of Sacred Sound and Cacao offering for a specially invited group from outside the community of practice at the Mystery School. The learning environment is nourished by small group practices, personal mentoring and special feedback practice.


You will learn the basics of how sound can access healing for the body, mind and spirit - and the ways you can facilitate a healing space in your sound offerings. You will discover how sound gives us access to altered states of consciousness and opens a multidimensional healing portal for transformation, empowerment and guidance even outside time and space. We will also explore ancient sound manifestations practices, where an alchemy of sound, intention and visualisation can shape-shift reality. You will be supported in designing your own sound healing journeys and ceremonies as well as how to work with sound 1 on 1. 


Songs are an important fabric of our lives, from birth to death, songs can support us in living our lives. Many of us stopped singing in our childhood, or we never even started. We will explore the power of song, from devotional kirtan, indigenous chants, elemental songs, to the wisdom songs of our ancestors. We will gather often around the fire at night to share songs to support our own journey and to weave our community and experience together.  




You will learn how to alchemise ceremonial cacao for your ceremonies and more importantly learn how to work with the spirit of cacao to support your healing space and journeys. And how to set up, lead and close a ceremonial cacao and sound journeying space. 


We will explore how to hold space for other peoples healing, how to work with healing energies and how we can cultivate healing space in our ceremonies. You will learn how to work with translating a healing intention into a group sound journey or into a 1 on 1 sound healing session.





We will explore how we can use our voices, words and energy to facilitate groups into heart coherency, to open their voices and to dive deep into their healing journeys.  


We will explore how you can bring your learning and empowerment from the residency back into the world, be it in your daily practice, in your community or as business to support your path. 

Module 2 will also incl:

  • Instrument library: We provide a large collection of sacred sound instruments and tools, you will be given the opportunity to intuitively explore, play and grow. Space will be held for you to discover: gongs, tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, voice, flutes, guitar, drums, crystal bowls, shruti, harmonium and more.

  • Experiential playshops

  • Practice time

  • Personal mentoring in instrument proficiency, voice and facilitation skills. 

  • Creative learning space to design and lead sound pratices, sound journeys and singing circles. 

  • Feedback based on appreciative inquiry.

  • Participant created and lead sound healing day retreat for select public audience. 

What happens after the Residency is over?


Module 2 is an initiation into your power as a facilitator. You will feel empowered and confident to create and lead your own offering after the training – and as with most of our previous participants, you will find yourself doing this with joy, ease and often in collaboration with other Sound and Cacao Tribe. 

What is included in your Training


  • Sound and Cacao practices – vocal activation, toning, mantra, Bhajans and pure sound experiences

  • Movement and Embodiment practices 

  • Daily intention setting

  • Time to be with yourself and nature 

  • Daily sound journey or singing circle

  • Heart Sharing Circles

  • Processing support and space holding for your journey 

  • Personal mentoring into your voice and instrument proficiency

  • Prayer practices at the indoor and outdoor altars 

  • New moon and Full moon ceremonies

  • Nature walks and possibility for excursions

  • Cacao ceremony with Keith Wilson 

  • Weekly integration days where you are free of schedule. 

  • Sauna, lake swims, paddle boarding, hikes in nature. 

  • Silence

  • Access to extra healing packages with resident and guest healers, body therapists and acupuncturists etc. 

  • Small group 15-18 participants

  • Shared accommodation (2-4 beds per room) – option for private accommodation. 

  • Vegan high vibe nutrition to support your journey.  

Video and sample schedules from previous retreats

Sample Schedule - Module 1 

06.00-07.00 Movement Practice

07.00-09.00 Sound and Cacao practice

09.00-10.00 Breakfast .

10.00-13.00 Manifestation Sound Journey – Essene Mystery School Toning Practice

13.00-16.00 Lunch and free time – opportunity for nature walks, lake swim, paddle boarding and sauna

15.00-16.00 Deep Listening (silence and integration)

16.30-18.00 Gong Bath

18.00-19.30 Dinner

20.00-21.00 Sacred Singing Circle

Sample Schedule - Module 2

06.00-07.00 Movement Practice

07.00-08.30 Sound and Cacao practice lead by participants

08.30-09-00 Feedback using Appreciative Inquiry

09.00-10.00 Breakfast

10.00-13.00 Play-shops (examples ”The Gong!” ”Native-American Flutes”, ”Leading Chants on harmonium”, ”Sound Healing with tuning forks”)

13.00-15.00 Lunch and free time – opportunity for river dips and sauna.

15.00-16.30 Mentoring, designing/preparing offerings and instrument practice.

16.30-18.00 Sound Journey lead by participants

17.30-18.00 Feedback using Appreciative Inquiry

18.00-19.30 Dinner

20.00-21.00 Sacred Singing Circle led by participants

21.00-21.30 Feedback using Appreciative Inquiry

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